A data science process can make or break a team. Indeed, we see time and time again that many of the reasons behind...
The Data Science Project Checklist
What do flight attendants, surgical teams, and successful data science project managers have in common? They all use a...
Data Science Management: 5 Key Concepts
The rapid increase in the number of data science projects and teams is driving an increasing need for data science...
Data Driven Scrum
Data Driven Scrum™ (DDS) is an agile framework specifically designed for data science teams.In short, DDS aims to...
What is a Data Science Workflow?
A data science workflow defines the phases (or steps) in a data science project. Using a well-defined data science...
Kanban for Data Science
Kanban, which literally means billboard in Japanese, started as a supply chain and inventory control system for Toyota...
Scrum for Data Science
Scrum Process Diagram Given Scrum's popularity with software teams, it's no surprise that many organizations are...
Agile Data Science
Conceptually Agile and data science are a great match. Most notably, both Agile and data science emphasize the same...